Is truth relative?

the mystery of life — what’s it all about?

By David E. Peeples


creation vs. evolution

David Peeples in “The Mystery of Life - What’s It All About” has written a literary exposé addressing the questions of origin, meaning, morality, and destiny in today’s digital age of clashing worldviews. The author is writing to expose the false narrative and misleading information so common in Western culture that it has given rise to an erroneous view of life and the cosmos. As error is exposed, based on scientific and historical research, the groundwork is laid for a better understanding of the world in which we live. The reader will be challenged to follow the evidence wherever it leads! And in so doing error is exposed and truth revealed.

General Concept - Many say that faith is in conflict with science but the more we discover in the ‘information age’ the more obvious it has become that science, in some ways, is presenting more questions than answers. In this the second edition of “The Mystery of Life” David continues to expose the evolution model for what it really is: a non-scientific philosophical worldview that has led to disastrous consequences in our world leaving countless men and women without the hope of a promising future.

"The Mystery of Life" shows how science is continually challenging its own thinking and basic conclusions on the origin and meaning of life in a complex world of apparent design. Empirical science and historical research are systematically dismantling evolution theory. "The Mystery of Life" book project will help the reader to navigate the many unanswered questions and unproven assumptions within evolutionary theory... read on.



“This book was incredibly compelling. …this book will really get you thinking …how both science and faith can co-exist. ”

— Heidi Codorniz, author

“David obviously put an awful lot of research into His book.
I quote and recommend it as an additional read, to my own book”

— Michael Hurst, writer

“Separating itself from other literary peers …, this book appeals to the skeptic or the undecided by citing its argument clearly and using cited sources.”

— Michael Radon, book review

“I have, in the past, questioned myself about the true meaning of life. Often times, I wonder about our existence as humans, and what had happened before life began on earth. What makes life what it is? David Peeples attempts to explain this in his book. To start off, the author explains the origin of life. How we got to be and what led to our creation. There are two known theories that explain the presence of man on earth; the ‘special creation theory’ and the ‘evolutionary theory’. People choose to adopt one of these theories depending on their beliefs, background and experience. I liked how the author explained the two theories, clearing any doubt the reader could have with the two.”
(Et AL. Solution Essays quote).

More about
David E. Peeples